A little about me in my quilts...
This is for the first 10 years, when we travelled a lot in the caravan that my father built. It includes a ribbon from the Royal visit, a Brownie badge and shows that I was never allowed a red dress because "redheads can't wear red". I had copper coloured hair.
The next 10, or my teen years, is mostly a record of my many extra curricular activites while at school and university. During my school years I rode my bicycle everywhere.
My third decade, my 20s, records my study and work as a librarian, my marriage and a grand overseas adventure, when we lived in Wales for a year. It is all arranged as chapters in my life, as books on a bookshelf. It includes photos transfers.
The final piece - the self portrait.
Not an easy exercise, but I think I managed some likeness!
It recognises my first quilting blue ribbon, and being president of our Guild, some more world travel, getting my ears pierced and walks on the beach.
Updated 26/10/14