Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ran out of thread...

Finished stitching little squares, and am up to the quilting. All was going well until I ran out of thread and very annoying, I have to wait for new stock... Oh well, it has allowed me to do a little gardening today, and then I will see what else I can finish off. I put in some sweet peas. I've not had much luck with them in the past, but I shall remain hopeful.

Went to my shadehouse a while ago and made two cyclamen discoveries. I buy potted ones often as a 'bunch of flowers'. When they are finished I put them out in the garden and never see them again. Something has gone wrong this time - there is one in flower, and one with enormous leaves, as you can see by the sword fern frond alongside!

The birds love our garden - probably because there is not much growing in most of those nearby - and we have had many nests for the pigeons and blackbirds. Despite the fact that spring was months ago, and I think they have vacated now, we discovered an active sparrow nest a couple of weeks ago on top of the fowl yard. It is quite large, and seemed to have 2 side entrances (right and left in the picture). Not sure what might be inside, but atop the twigs and grass on the outside is a big tuft of wool. It is not a great picture, but they didn't build in a very convenient spot. The picture of me hanging off the bird netting to take it would probably have been better!

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